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Planning Board Minutes 05/12/2014
Planning Board
Preliminary Meeting Minutes –
Recorded by Sharon Rossi
May 12, 2014

Members present:  RMarshall, PRenaud, KO’Connell, SFox,  JFletcher

7:05 P.M. Meeting Opened
PRenaud began reading the April 29, 2014 meeting minutes.  Several spelling, punctuation and replacement of words were done.  No substantive changes were made. KO’Connell motioned to accept the minutes as amended.  SFox seconded.  Vote unanimous in favor.

7:16 p.m. Mail Received

Receipt from JHopkins in the amount of $50 for SPR R4-14-1.

7:16 p.m. PCC Don Martin, Gun Repair Shop
RMarshall explained the procedures and protocols for a PCC to DMartin. DMartin explained he wants to start a gun repair shop (he will be the only employee) at his home located at 29 East Road.  The shop will be in a single car garage attached to the house. He will be repairing firearms which will be supplied by locally owned gun shops.  Because this is a gun shop, he has to post hours for business which are a federal firearms requirement for a license.  His hours will be Tues 6-8 pm only. The federal government needs to know these hours so that they can pop in and do an inspection. He wants to let the gun shops handle the financial aspect of the business.  There are no state regulations concerning gun repair, it is all handled at the federal level.  ATF will need to know if he is in compliance with the town regulations which is why he is seeking a permit to operate.

Gun cleaning oil and solvents, some cutting oils, tongue oil finish will be used. He has a 12” x 36” turret lathe which will also be used.  He also has a bench top drill press, and many hand tools.  SFox asked, “Will you be test firing?”  DMartin said, “Yes, and hopefully will have a containment system, but not right now. I will work with neighbors on times that are acceptable for test firing.  I have a naturally bermed location at the back of my home that I now use for target practice and that will be the spot that I use to test fire.”  

RMarshall asked if he had been in contact with the Police Chief?  DMartin said, “Yes, I have.  My fingerprints are on file.  I have a concealed weapon permit and a back ground check is in progress.”   

PRenaud asked, “Are you in the groundwater protection area?  How much of the solvents and at what rate will you be using the solvents.”  After a quick check on the Groundwater Protection map, RMarshall noted his property is in the groundwater protection district.  DMartin said, “The largest container of solvent is a quart. It will be used with a rag. Once used, the rag will be bagged and taken to the transfer station.  I have a small 3 ounce bottle that I have had for several years and I still haven’t used it all up.”  RMarshall noted that in the Groundwater Protection Ordinance, Section XIII-Prohibited Uses, no reference to gun solvents is made.

RMarshall advised DMartin to make sure that in any handling of any of those solvents that  Best Management Practices are used.  They can be found in the Groundwater Protection Ordinance. DMartin agreed.

JFletcher asked if he anticipated any issues with the neighbors concerning the noise.  “Not as far as I know.  I have a natural dirt bank with backing and I use it now on an occasional basis,” replied DMartin..  

The Noise ordinance was read by JFletcher and he noted there is a maximum level of noise to be met.  PRenaud said it will be hard to say what the noise level would be at that location.  

RMarshall feels that a site plan review and site walk should happen to make sure everyone knows what is happening.   He advised DMartin that doing this will protect you.  DMartin was in agreement with the site plan review and site walk.. RMarshall said the application will have to be filled out and you will have to pick up the cost of this.  

A site walk is scheduled for May 29 at 7:00 p.m. A public hearing will be scheduled for the site plan review for June 9 at 8:30 p.m.  

8:00 p.m.   Waste Disposal for Meadery
PRenaud offered the following on the waste disposal.  He did calculations on concentrations based on dilutions on the SaniClean, and he thinks,  at best, the pH would be about 3 but maybe more like 2.  He talked with the Mitch Locker, DES and MLocker said if the pH is 2 or less the state has to regulate it.  MLocker said because we are not sure how much waste the Meadery will be disposing, they have to register with the State for the waste disposal if it is put into the ground.  It’s not illegal to dump on the ground, but it will kill plants and animals if they get into the disposal area.  

RMarshall will send a letter to JHopkins advising that he contact MLocker @ 271-2858, DES, Hazardous Waste Mgr.  MLocker said it is the town’s responsibility to monitor the ph disposal.  
RMarshall said once the letter is created, he will send to PRenaud for editing and will make sure JHopkins is aware of what he has to do to meet the two conditions of the granting.

8:16 p.m. Planning Charrette Update:
RMarshall contacted Nori ODoi and she is unable to help us but may offer organizational assistance. He has contacted AMoon, PTO President, in hopes to having a potluck in conjunction with the PTO’s Harvest Fair. He also is in contact with the Boys Scouts about a pancake breakfast.  He has to talk to Beth at the Greenfield Inn about guests.  However, we need an alternative location should the inn sell between now and then.  SFox offered the Little River B & B in Peterborough.  She has had several people stay they and they were highly impressed.   Jack Daniels Motor Inn might also be an option.

RMarshall said on June 7, there will be a public meeting for input at the Library about the planning of the charrette. He will be looking to see what the townspeople want.  APatt is putting together a department head meeting for June 19 for their input for the charrette.

RMarshall said he will be meeting with the Selectmen this Wednesday to let them know where we are with the planning for the charrette.

Discussion of community facilities
RMarshall handed out the table of contents from the current (2003) Master Plan chapter on Community Facilities. SFox said a lot of these chapters are current and no changes have happened.   Because these are local items to be addressed, the Board should be able to do all of these ourselves and thus save Master Plan money. Board members agreed to the following assignments:

RMarshall:  Introduction, Town Hall/Government/ Police Protection, Municipal Water/Sewer, Library, Education, Health & Human Services, and Expenditures.

SFox:  Fire & Rescues Services, Recreation, Postal Service

KO’Connell:  Highway Department, Meeting House

JFletcher:  Cemeteries, Solid Waste Disposal

RMarshall suggested that each take a topic, write it up, and bring it to the last meeting in July. We will then review the information and send it off to SWRPC for editing and final printing.   KO’Connell said doing the essays at home will allow us to better use of our meeting times.

RMarshall will consult with APatt and the department heads of the chapters he volunteered for.

Reporting on the finished chapters will be at the July 28 meeting.

At this time RMarshall said he isn’t going forward with the Incentive Committee work since the Charrette planning is of greatest priority. He has asked a few people if they would like to work on this, but he doesn’t have the 8 – 10 people to complete the committee. We will resume this work at a later date.

8:46 pm Adjournment

KO’Connell motioned to adjourn. PR seconded.  Vote unanimous in favor.